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大卫获得了硕士(1992年)和学士(1986年)在信息和通信的研究从加州州立大学奇科。他强调在研究生院是人类交流的选择,主要的修辞和公共地址。政治沟通、说服和论证是他的领域的专业知识。大卫本科工作集中在大众传媒。他的专业是广播和电视广播辅修心理学。广播公司,他在管理工作作为全国公共广播电台的发展总监下属KCHO-Chico,有自己的早晨开车jazz项目,是一个新闻和体育总监和锚,画外音,公共事务编程,人才在几个视频。之前他的地位在1999年的秋天在大学的峡谷,戴维斯在基社盟教学生涯始于1988年,奇科。亚博是专业买球CSUC之后,他教授孤峰,尤巴,太圣安东尼奥,圣莫尼卡和埃尔卡米诺学院。他教会了很多课程在通信纪律包括演讲、商业和专业交流、讨论和辩论,小组交流,语音和发音,语音广播和电视。他目前正在开发COC取证程序(演讲和辩论)。 Davids teaching philosophy is student-and ethics-centered. The motto for his classes is a commitment to excellence. He pushes his students to think beyond their current academic situation to a future in graduate school. His high academic standards motivate students to excel beyond what they thought possible. The opportunity to affect his students lives in a positive way is very challenging and rewarding. David believes very strongly that successfully completing the course work in the communication studies discipline prepares the student for success academically, interpersonally, as well as, for any career path.
