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第二代的加州,我出生和成长在帕萨迪纳。当我上大学的时候我学意大利语,艺术和艺术史一年在佛罗伦萨,意大利。我没有说任何意大利在我去那里之前,我在一个情况类似于我们的许多峡谷的当前大学学生,没有知识的新语言。亚博是专业买球我在一个小类约有12名学生来自世界各地。我们唯一的共同语言是意大利语,迫使我们所有人说意大利语。这是一次美妙的经历,我永远不会忘记。这是开始我的爱与国际交流的人。在我回到美国,我开始工作在他们的办公室在世纪城的公主邮轮,加利福尼亚。我是企业培训师、教学三周类预订代理所有他们需要的信息关于邮轮接听电话。13日我去邮轮,参观许多美丽的和异国情调的地方。 While working there, I met my husband-to-be, Paul. We both enjoy traveling and have been to many incredible places all over the world. Following Princess Cruises, I worked for 11 years at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena for the European Space Agency, as a Spacecraft Scheduler, creating plans which uplinked Ulysses, a spacecraft orbiting the polar ends of the sun with the ground stations located in California, Australia and Spain. I worked with engineers from many countries, including England, India, Spain, Portugal, Malaysia, Northern Ireland, and Germany. While working there, I completed my Bachelors degree (Liberal Arts) at California Polytechnic University, Pomona. From there, I worked at various temporary jobs including M2 and Borax, then I began working at St. Jude Medical in the Software Development department. There were engineers from all over the world there. I had a lot of fun meeting all these people. But my heart was not in my job so I decided that I would go back to UCLA and get my TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate. When I was about to finish the program, I was required to volunteer in an ESL classroom for 120 hours during one quarter. I was lucky enough to connect with Doris Schiller, a fantastic teacher at College of the Canyons, who acted as my Mentor teacher. I enjoyed it so much that the following semester, once I had completed all of my training, I asked to come back the following semester to work with Doris! She taught me many, many wonderful things, and I am forever thankful to her for spending the time with me. In summer, 2007, I was hired to teach my own class. My first classes were pre-level which meant the students did not speak any English. I was often asked how many different languages I spoke, to which I would always reply, one. I was amazed and pleasantly surprised to watch non-English speakers begin to grasp the language. It made me recall my learning experience back in Italy. I truly believe I have the best job in the world. I meet wonderful people everyday, and I love watching their knowledge improve every day. I always tell my students that if I win millions of dollars in the lottery, I would continue to teach English as a Second Language. That is how much I love my job.
